Thank you to all the parents, St. Matt's students, teachers for volunteering to help make it run so smoothly. Thank you also to the Knights of Columbus from Good Shepherd Parish who barbecued in the rain for us. The food was wonderful. Thanks to all who donated food and books for our bake and book sales.
Thank you to all of the parents who donated items for our Basket Raffles. This was another popular part of the event. Congratulations to all of our winners: Tori (Car Wash #1), Christine S. (Car Wash #2), Lisa B. (Just for Mom), John C. (Baking), Adam E. (Gardening), Kobner Family (Canada Day), Angelica (Sports), Angela W. (Arts & Crafts), Anita D. (BBQ), and Tiriny (Birthday)!
Thank you to all of the participants in the "SKT's Got Talent" competition. The judges (Mr. Gauthier, Mrs. Stern and Mrs. McGowan) had a tough job of determining the winners in our two categories: Little Rock Stars (JK to Gr. 3) and the Big Bands (Gr. 4-6) as all of the groups were very strong. In the end, Julia M (Little Rock Stars) and The Dancing Devils - Ashley & Brianna (Big Bands) were chosen as the winners.
The Art Show is another popular event within the Fun Fair. We had a great number of entries and the judges chose the following entries as their favourites:
Sean S. (SK) |
Anika H. (Gr. 3) |
Angelica J. (Gr. 4) |
Valerie (Gr. 5) |
Thanks also to the Rogers Community Cruiser for coming out and providing Free Timbits and Tim Horton's coffee to us. It was also quite fun to see Lionel from Boston Pizza, Batman and Rapunzel walking around our halls.
Finally a big thank you to all of the organizations who donated prizes for our Silent Auction. Bidding was happening right until the close of the auction.
We hope that it won't rain next year, but we learned that we could have the Fun Fair indoors. It was a tight squeeze, but a lot of fun :)