Here is the Agenda for the meeting:
Agenda for the meeting of September 23, 2013
1. Introduction
a. Call to Order
b. Prayer
2. Elections
3. Approvals
a. Review and Approval of Agenda
b. Review and Approval of ROD for June 20th meeting
4. Principal’s Report
5. Treasurer’s Report from 2012-13 School Year
6. CSPA Report
7. Set Council Meetings for the Remainder of the School Year
8. Sub Committees
a. Fundraising
i. Major Fundraiser
b. Communications
c. Social
i. Halloween Dance
1. Choose a DJ.
d. Playstructure
9. Other:
a. Teacher Wish List
b. House T-shirts
b. House T-shirts
c. SKT Constitution
d. Other Business
10. Round Table
11. Adjournment
You can also download the Agenda by clicking here. As we are a green council, we will not be distributing copies of the Agenda, but we will be using the Smartboard in the Learning Commons to display any notes for the meeting.
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