Dear Parents/Guardians,
Spring is in the air and the home stretch towards the end of the school year is upon us. Please see below what council is working on for the rest of the school year:
School Field trip to the Museum of Science and Technology
Thanks to all of you that supported the School Councils fundraiser this year we were able to provide funding to the school to lessen the cost for each student by 50% to participate in the School Field Trip to the Museum of Science and Technology. This newly renovated museum has some of the best educational programs for our students; and each class in our school will be able to participate!!
Boston Pizza Night-To Celebrate ST. Kateri Feast Day
May 16th from 4:30pm-8:00pm at Boston Pizza on Innes-3884 Innes Rd.
Come and enjoy dinner at Boston Pizza; make sure to sign the back of your receipt with SKT and the school will receive a portion of your bill to be used for future events.
Fun Fair at SKT
June 15th 2018
We will have all our favorite events and activities that day; from bouncie castles to tamboulie jars and basket them raffles. Pre-order forms will be sent home in May-make sure to send these back by the due date noted on the order form to ensure your pre-order for BBQ is in.
This is always a fun time for all our families at SKT. If you think you have some time to volunteer during the Fun Fair please let us know. You can email us at Email: or send us a message through our Facebook page.
More details of this event will be coming home to parents so check the kids back packs and watch for emails.