1. Introduction
a. Call to Order
b. Prayer
2. Elections
3. Approvals
a. Review and Approval of Agenda
4. Reports
a. Principal (Sean)
i. Safe schools
b. Teacher
c. Treasurer
e. Community
f. Parish
5. Set Council Meetings for the Remainder of the School Year
6. Sub Committees
a. Fundraising
i. Major Fundraiser for 2018/19 – World’s Finest Chocolates
b. Social
i. Halloween Dance (aka Monster Mash)
c. Volunteer Committee
d. Communications
e. Playground JK/SK
f. Fun Fair
7. Unfinished Business
a. Welcome Night 2018
8. New Business
9. Round Table
10. Adjournment
11. Next Meeting: tbd
Here are the description of the various roles for the School Council (* denotes mandatory positions):
Parent Members*
- Attends and participates in CSC meetings and on ad hoc committees.
- Votes on issues as required.
- Participates in information and training programs.
- Acts as a communication link with school community.
Chair (or 2 Co-Chairs if applicable)*
- Communicates on an on-going basis with the School Principal
- sets the dates and times of meetings
- establishes the meeting agenda
- Chairs school council meetings.
- Ensures a record of meetings are recorded and maintained.
- Ensures that the school community is kept informed on CSC proceedings and activities.
- Represents the council at special functions.
- Acts as a spokesperson for the CSC.
- Consults with senior board staff and trustees, as required.
- Participates in information and training sessions.
- Ensures follow-up on items raised by council members.
- Ensures council members are familiar with the local constitution/by-laws.
Vice-Chair (if applicable)
- Assumes acting role in the absence of the Chair.
- Assumes any other duties as assigned by the Chair.
- Records, distributes and maintains records of CSC meetings and correspondence related to CSC meetings.
- Ensures the record of decision is distributed no less than one (1) week after each meeting.
- Ensures access to SKT CSC records by the school community.
- Ensures that a copy of the record is provided to the school for the school community.
- Develops a budget at least one year out, at the direction of the Chair and the CSC.
- Maintains a record of SKT CSC funds and financial activities as required by Board policy and in keeping with common accounting practices.
- Co-signs cheques for payment of goods and services.
- Prepares an annual, financial statement for review and approval of the CSC.
- Ensures access to CSC financial records by the school community.
- Ensures that a copy of the financial record is provided to the school for access by the school community.
School Council Parent Association Representative/Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education Representative (appointed position)
- Reports issues referred by the Board and/or the Parent Association.
- Represents the opinions of parents in their school community.
- Represents and expresses the majority view of the CSC.
- Attends Ottawa Catholic School Council Parent Association meetings.
Parish Representative (appointed position)
- Brings the concerns of the parish regarding Catholic education to the CSC.
- Serves to disseminate the suggestions, orientations, activities and concerns of the CSC to the wider parish communities.
- Assists in promoting, aligning and co-ordinating the liturgical celebrations and other activities of the parishes, school and community as required.
- Assists in maintaining the Catholic dimension in the total school community.
Community Representative (appointed position)
- Reflects the views of the local community and brings forth concerns to the CSC.
- Provides a link between the CSC and the community
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