1. Introduction
a. Call to Order
b. Prayer
2. Approvals
a. Review and Approval of Agenda
b. Review and Approval of October 1 ROD
3. Reports
a. Principal (Sean)
i. Safe Schools
b. Teacher (Cindy L)
c. Non-Teaching Staff
d. Treasurer (Josée)
i. November Report
f. Parish (Julie)
4. Sub Committees
a. Fundraising
i. SKT Recycles – October 19 Update
ii. Hot Dog Days
iii. Vendor Day
1. Tupperware?
2. Sweet Legs
iv. Lunch Lady – request from a parent for two days a week
b. Social
i. Monster Mash Review
ii. Christmas Social?
c. Volunteer
d. Communications
e. Playground – Kinder
f. Fun Fair
5. Unfinished Business
6. New Business
a. Review of Constitution (last updated February 2017)
7. Round Table
8. Adjournment
9. Next Meeting: December 3, 2019